I hope to find more time to keep blogging - maybe add some reviews, travel updates, or what not..... stay tuned...


Sometimes I get requests for prints, so to make the process easier, I've added a "print shop", where you can place an order if there is something you want.

In the Cariboo, British Columbia, Canada

I have been fascinated with taking pictures for as long as I can remember.   I always felt a little incomplete without a bagful of camera gear at hand.  These days though,  I am far less of a Purist than I used to be:  now I subscribe to the theory that any camera can take great pictures - as long as you can learn to work with its limitations.  I am loathe to carry around the volume and weight of gear I used to in my youth.  For travelling, my weapon of choice is usually a Lumix GX-7. I select 3 or 4 lenses from my collection of native zooms and adapted "legacy" Canon FD lenses of single focal length, to suit my anticipated needs.  It keeps the overall package small.  But I also sometimes take a point and shoot Panasonic, or an Olympus TG3... heck, even phone and tablet cams can get it done in a pinch! Of course, working with high-end larger format equipment is fantastic, if you are willing and able to lug it all around.  I've been there, done that.  (Kudos to all you intrepid photographers that do it - I've seen you out there!)  Now I am content to eke the most I can out of my M4/3 camera, and for the most part, I'm happy with the results.  Better than nothing, n'est-ce pas?

This website exists simply as a means to share my visual version of the world with you.  I hope you'll browse around, and find enjoyment in looking at some of my images.  Please leave a comment, and let me know what city or country you are from!